Friday, April 10, 2009

i miss the college...

hello all~
mmm.....its been four days since im in Endoscopy Department...
its been a hectic week with sister boon...(im sureee student nurses know him..
1st day we're like sooo scared to meet him since he's strict and all other rumors....
but slowly we all can accept the reason why he's so strict....
through my own opinion, Sister Boon is a very good teacher...
i like the way he teach us...atu tah membuat kmi (me, domi,nuri & filah) pandai..(skajap)..hehhe
but honestly..the way he teach really masuk..rah ku plg...and the way ea motivate kmi very unforgettable...terasaa motivated tpulang leh nya..apa kan ku ceta ne? ntah..paning ku.. the next group going to endoscopy makesure u guys be prepared with answers and understanding...dun go there with empty braion(like he said)...and GOOD LUCK!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


3rd April 2008

Huh?? what happen?? WHAT HAPPEN?? our hostel is on fireee!!i mean one of the room caught fire!HUH? WHAT? WHEN? IS IT BAD?? that might be ur question right?well here the story...

me and my rum8 nana, juz came back from mall from our loooong jalan2 smbil cuci mata..hehehe...well nana brin me jalan2 so that she can lanja me for my bday(4th april)..sooo,when we got to our flooor, kmi tcium smokewhen we pass one of the room...then one of my fren, mas came out of her room and say something got burnt in the me with my penyibuk-attitue(so what?) pun menyibuk kan diri to open the door..obviously its LOCKED! then one by one the other hostel mate kuar from their room...then c mas and other people ran down to tell kmi yg di atas pun mencari easi card tuk buka the door BUT the damn door DEGIL NDA MAU BUKA...AFTER that warden pun smpai n open the door...i went in with warden n saw the exzos fan was gone! and ada api!so that the source! the EXZOS FAN! so my beloved friend,next time before u leave ur room make sure all ur electric application is SWITCH OFF! dun let the banana fruit two time!hahaha....
the funny and mas(my friend) and some seniors menyibukkan dirimembuka hos bomba..konon2 kn jadi bomba laa...p warden ndasuruh buka the water takot kami electric shock sincebrg yg HANGUS tu bersmbung sma KARAN! SO jgn pandai2..
p before warden yg menyimbah the fire with water, she switched off the main power so kmi bgalap lah was fun tough..hahahha...talooorrr!

p/s: jgn tinggal kn karan anda bermain dgn api...chow!

bday greet~(late post)

hello! happy birthday to me~happy birthday to me~ happy birthday happy birthday~happy birthday tooo me!!!! (belated)
OMG!! makin bertambah tah my age neee...hahahabut i still feel like im 18!!! ahahahhaha! never get matured! lalalala~

well...thanks to those who msg me til SUBUH! i really appreciate it...huhuhu....thanks to nana and mimiefor the cute cake u bought for me...eventhough damit p i really appreciate it...actually im expectinga birthday cake plg p its ok...maybe for my next bday..heheehe...and thanks to mas, deb,ezah,syarah and sapa g ah yg dtg kbilik kemarin? well thanks though...i know u all sleepy p still mau surpriseme with the cake u guysss...
and thanks for those people who greet me through msn...i love u all!!!mwaaahhh!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

MJ mini sport day~

holla all...well today my group organized a small sport just for fun. Actually the sport is for our ECA in the afternoon then sekali the teachers wanted to join in and some junior from certificate join at last minute.(x laa) was fun...firstly kami begin with aerobic and poco-poco..memandangkan out time is short, we go on to the games...there are three game(nda cukup masa)
  1. lumba makan roti
  2. lari pkai kayu
  3. umban shuttle cock to ring
i join the lumba makan ruti..biasa laaa...liat badan..hahhaha...haaiiit!!! jgn ketawa! game nya each piring, kana bgi 3 pieces of biscuit and 10pieces of nipp(le) wawwawa!!! naada waa...chocolate NIPS....and the winner isme!!!

kenape? tak pecaye kah? i can't believe it too!!! OMG!! i bet azrin and mizan hahhaha...sorry my group(green) won the first game...second game we lose in 4th place and the last game we managed 2nd place...and overall result is..
  1. pink
  2. green
  3. yellow
  4. purple
  5. blue
dun give up guys!! so here some pics....

streching first....

go go go!

way to go sir!

the faces! lumba makan roti..

ok...congrates to all of us for the successness of the sport...buat laki next semester or after exam....caiyo~~

Thursday, March 26, 2009

HaPPy BeLaTeD Bday Tu DeBBiE~

y' is our special day..(kmi)..hehe..while im in sleeping mood(as usual) in the class,ada tia my fren invite me to eat lunch with them in the, who starved to hell pun trus agree(nafsu kuda x ahh) n join them for lunch w/o knowing that they're wanna surprise our fren DEBORAH for her belated bday(8/3/09) here the pic taken juz now..

the cake

The CooK..(me tukang mkn je..hehe)

bisai2 mutung...tputung tgn nda cali....

so...thanks Mas, Ezah,Yong and Syarah for the foods...they cook all this afta the class...and for DeB...may GOD bless u and Semoga Panjang Umur Jua....

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


bawa daku lari kemana kau pergi~
lambai..kan tgn dri kiri~
kekanan gerak goyangkan~
badan dri kiri ke kanan~
buring buring buring~
PAsaL gUe buRing di class tdi so Aku Pun dngr lah lagu yg menggetar kn lagu ani...lawa lagu nya smpai mbuat aku mengoyang2 kan badan ku yg 1/2 seksi ane...huahaahaha...saja.....

well, tdi class as usual..pagi no class so kmi self-study...konon kn mcari bahan tuk presentation p menyimpang ku mencari lagu smbil meliat Tom & Jerry Kids yg ku donlod dri u-tube..hehe(i LOVE em')...u shud watch it when u bored or stress....hehehe...
mmm...afta 10 kmi ada class sensory...atu pun at 11 kmi start coz' the LCD berulah...kesian the guys sibuk2 mencari sebab napa ea cematu...then kna suruh c-rafi 2run klibrary ngambil LCD lain...
the stupid thing is that.....
rupa2 nya they mistakely connect the wire which suppose to b connect pat LCD ktmpt lain..huahahha...5 urg durg berusah bru th tjumpa punca nya...

c rafi lagi ksian...time LCD tu successly connected ea muncul dpintu with the other LCD yg ea ambil dri LIbrary...hahaha...shud hav seen his face...kekeke..sorry bro~
so here the pic smpat ku ambil....

setia menanti

mula2 2 urg jaa....


kana candid...mula2 sorg jua..hehehe..

then...menjadi dua urg...(tudung tclash~)
buy 1 free 1..yg kiri free..wawawa.. 1 free bnyk...hahaa..